Nigel Jamison Garden Design Belmont
Nigel Jamison Garden Design Belmont

Belmont Garden

Design Brief

This garden should be seen as an addition to the modern kitchen area that was previously added to this property in East Belfast. It should compliment the new kitchen extension, as well as providing an easily accessible and outdoor ‘room’ environment that offers privacy and comfortable surroundings for relaxing and entertaining.

Design considerations

Continuity of colours and similarities of finish from the indoors to the outdoors. Easy transition from Kitchen and other living areas of the house to the outdoor space. An area for relaxation and entertaining. Large hedge and existing fence to the rear of the space should be integrated into the new concept and used to enhance and offer practical solutions to shelter and seclusion. Inclusion of grassed areas and planting to ensure the garden feel.

Design solution

Continuation of the fence to provide in association with the exisiting hedge, maximum shelter and cosiness in the corner of the space that is diagonally opposite the kitchen access. This is the area that is most apparent when exiting the kitchen area as well as being the area that maximises sunlight for the longest time. This space would include a large patio to accommodate outdoor furniture for entertaining and seating. A pergola would be erected to provide ‘cover’ overhead and raised beds could be used to further enhance the sense of enclosure. Grassed areas will provide a natural break between the hard landscaping areas and will be ‘bridged’ by a path linking house and patio using the same materials as the rest of the hard landscaping for continuity and rhythm.

It is important that this garden links with the new kitchen extension in a modern style that provides continuity and offers instant appeal.
Nigel Jamison Garden Design Belmont